lsight, ssight, llight, slight... the humour of the universe (in which all things occur)... ('lsight' is likely the correct spelling)
scmart | 2025 Peter G. Frazier
...the density of slight correlates positively with the density of the present. As slight loses density, both the present and thermodynamics break down ("an object in motion will tend towards rest").
What imparts the directionality of a photonic-system (light and sight)?
...the transmutation of a photonic system (light and sight in a double-helical system) entering the periphery (slight sublimation region) of the universe where the present loses density: a region where thermodynamics break-down... the double helix of sight and light degrades, light combines with sight, creating ssight, llight, lsight, or slight.. a particle not perceivable via light, although it is maximally dense (but with such low affinity to resources of direct perception, it does not directly matter [ha]). Slight is perceivable through memory (the recognition that the present changes [delusionally known as 'velocity' (as time [a substantial part of velocity] is a communal delusion)]... the parameters of the aforementioned change are usually described by thermodynamic axioms, although that which underpins the thermodynamic axioms pertaining to re-organization of the present, IS the effect known as kinetic-fields. Kinetic fields may be the only perceivable feature that is proof of the existence of slight. Occurrence is the informational transport that describes the nature of slight, similarly light is the informational transport that describes matter (where matter is a holographic spherical-spiral photonic system). With this discovery, matter now includes slight, so now light only describes a subset of matter. When a photonic system reaches the the edge of the universe, that system breaks down and slight is deposited in the periphery of all things (the slight sublimation region of the universe), a displacement and placement occurs, which shifts the entire universe... that small yet big shift imparts the directionality of light (this indicates that the universe may actually have a memory). The entropatic nature of the initial vector of a photonic system occurs because the universe is vibrating (slightly.... haha), and that in the first phase of photonic system synthesis, both constituency particles, light and sight (after achieving an escape velocity from one another [and the electron shell]) immediately reach polar regions of the universe. As the present breaks down (due to the reduced densities of slight... because of the presence of slight contrast particles that are either light or sight [maximal achievable contrast between two things: slight bordering light or sight]), the escape velocity between light and sight is lost... At apogee and in the slight sublimation region, the universe vibrates (due to distal deposits of slight), but light and sight are in a gaseous sublimation region, therefore the vibration is less experienced in that lower density, gaseous region... light falls back, sight increases in density while approaching light, but both fall back in a slightly different planar surface.... offset from the vertex of the atom of origin: no longer are sight and light in a spherical spiral system, but have entered into the beginning phase of a double helix transport system. Thus the origin of the directionality of the photonic system.